S01 Episode 10 - Changing the Face of Beauty with Katie Driscoll


S01 - EPISODE 10

Hey Everyone! Today’s episode is all about representation in advertising. We sat down with Katie Driscoll, founder of Changing The Face of Beauty. 

Katie has 6 kids - she had 5 boys and then her daughter Grace came along. Grace has a magical extra chromosome and Grace is also the inspiration behind Changing The Face of Beauty.

Katie shares with us how she stared this amazing organization from the ground up. Katie continues to advocate for change in advertising because 1 out 5 people has a disability, but that number is not represented in ads/media. 

Let’s help change that! If you see a company including people of all abilities in their ads, will you let them know you notice and that you appreciate it? If you are a talent agency, please hire people of all abilities so everyone is represented
